Edvance, dedicated to the low-carbon nuclear power of tomorrow
Edvance develops new, safe and efficient nuclear power projects around the world to build a CO2-neutral future. Its role is to provide the EPCC (Design, Procurement, Installation, Commissioning) for nuclear islands of EPR technology reactors.
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million turnover in 2022.
major operational projects
sites in Europe

Edvance is located in the Paris region (in Montrouge) and also in Lyon, Flamanville, Bristol (UK) and Erlangen (Germany).
Our activities
Edvance handles engineering activities for new nuclear islands and for instrumentation and control systems, which were previously divided between various EDF and Framatome engineering centres.
This EDF - Framatome joint venture is responsible for the design (basic design) and construction (engineering studies, procurement assistance, construction and commissioning) of nuclear islands and instrumentation and control systems for nuclear reactors under construction in France and abroad.
Edvance is currently involved in the Flamanville 3 project, in the Hinkley Point C EPR construction project, in the development of the EPR2 reactor model and in the Sizewell C, Jaitapur bids and NUWARD SMR.
The Directors
Thierry Schall

Frédéric Hennion

Our organisation
Created on 30 May 2017, Edvance is 80% owned by EDF and 20% by Framatome. This subsidiary represents the coming together of these two powerful companies for the benefit of a more efficient and competitive nuclear industry in France and internationally. While benefiting from the stability and robustness of its 2 major shareholders, Edvance retains genuine agility and true flexibility due to its character and the size of its organisation. I Located in France (Paris region, Lyon and Flamanville) as well as in Great Britain (Bristol) and Germany (Erlangen), Edvance is a multicultural company.
The subsidiary is organised by EPR project departments and with a cross-functional Engineering & Supply-Chain Department that puts its skills at the service of the projects. This approach allows for greater agility and innovation.
The entire senior management team
Thierry Schall, Edvance CEO
Frédéric Hennion, Edvance Vice CEO
Xavier Roué, Engineering & Supply Chain Director
Sylvain Lepage, Construction & Commissioning Director
Bertrand Sacepe, Support Services for Performance Director
Paul Mordant, HPC NI Project Director
Philippe Morin, EPR2 NI Project Director
Jean-François Brunel, New Projects in Development Director
David Tersigni, Bids and Proposals Director
Olivier Masson, Independent Control Authority Director
Philippe Paraire, Projects, Quality, Methods ans Tools Director
Annaïck Le Tallec, Human Relations and Health & Safety Director
Laurence Pommier, Head of Transformation & Innovation and Communications
Tomas Hahn, Edvance DPE Director
Chris Quick, Chief Operating Officer for EDF EPR Engineering UK (EPR-E)
David Tersigni, Director of Offers
Isabelle Domergue, Head of Engineering Transformation
Anne-Sophie Cottin, Legal Manager
Jinan Tarabay, Head of the President's cabinet